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What’s Happening?

Midweek Bible Study

2nd & 4th Wednesdays 4 Pm on Zoom. 

We engage in a bible study of the weekly lectionary Gospel text.  Click here for Zoom link.

Midweek Lectio Divina

1st & 3rd Wednesdays  6:30 pm on Zoom

We engage in a time of Lectio Divina. Click here for Zoom link.

Middle School Youth Group 

Thursdays at 5:40 pm. 

Our youth group meets from 5:40 pm-7:30pm. At 5:40 pm, we meet for homework time and then at 6:15 we transition to the gym where we hangout, play games, eat snacks, and talk/learn from one another about life and faith. We do not meet the last Thursday night of the month. 

Choir Rehearsal

Thursdays 7 pm. 

Choir rehearsals are primarily in-person with an online option, if needed.  Ability to read music is helpful, but not required.  Email for more information.

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