Dear Friends,
I hope you all had wonderful Thanksgiving dinners with family and friends. As I type this, I am also aware that the holidays are often hard for those who are mourning. Whether it is the loved one who died and whose absence is acute at gatherings, or a relationship that has ended, the emptiness can be profound during the holidays.
Sometimes people don’t know what to say, so they say nothing. I guess this is better than saying something unhelpful! But to acknowledge loss and to say you remember too, and you miss them too, is better than acting as if all is normal. If you are mourning and wish to talk about it, please let me know and I can listen.
Sometimes our memories are mixed as we have fond memories of Thanksgiving and Christmas traditions, along with memories of all who were present.
One of my favorite church memories is the Hanging of the Greens service at the first church I was an active member. This service was always on a Wednesday in Advent, and with choir and confirmation participation, was one of the most attended services of the year. An important part of this service was learning some of the “why” behind various traditions. I appreciated learning about the symbols. I also liked the way the congregation decorated the sanctuary together, during worship. In this way, hopefully, creating memories for their community. So, I introduced this service at my previous church, and they are continuing it. We will have our own version this Sunday. I hope you can join us.
Speaking of memories. My first church had big wreaths hung on each side of the cross. They were high up! To get there required use of an extension ladder (in this case a rickety wooden one). In my time at this church, a high school student was given the task of climbing up the ladder to hang the wreaths. A little German man, John, held the ladder as the young person ascended with wreath in hand. The congregation watched and held their collective breath until the wreaths were safely hung. I can remember the resumption of breathing after this most harrowing task. John has since died but each year he holds a treasured place in my heart as I remember.
In thinking back, having a high school student climb an old ladder, held by a little old man, was not the safest activity. Maybe they no longer do it this way!
Again, I hope to see you as we create some new memories for ALC.
Peace in Christ,
Pastor Nancy