Dear Friends,
A long time ago…in the 1990’s I took a spiritual gifts inventory. I don’t remember the exact results, except that I discerned that I had a gift for teaching. My first reaction was to ask, “Teach what? Teach who?” I didn’t have any theological education or training. So, I volunteered to teach Sunday School and they put me in a class of first graders. The first year I assisted the experienced teacher. The second year I was on my own. Through this volunteering I learned that I did not have the spiritual gift of teaching first graders. The biggest sign of this was that I watched the clock each week, wondering to myself how an hour could feel like a lifetime.
Later, after some training, I started teaching an adult bible study class. In this place I thrived. I loved the interaction and exploring together. Having the opportunity to lead/teach adults was a gift to me, and hopefully to those who participated. The biggest sign other than our mutual learning was that the hour we had allocated really seemed to be only five minutes. Time is indeed relative to what you are using your gifts!
At ALC we have invited you all to take a spiritual gifts inventory. So far, not many of you are participating. Some expressed reasons are, “I already know…” or “I already volunteer…” These are valid reasons if the sole purpose is to discern where an individual might volunteer.
I want to offer another perspective. What might it look like if all (or at least the majority) of members and regular participants at ALC took the survey? It would give us some wonderful insight into who we are as a community. This insight would then help:
the transition team and call committee to describe ALC to a potential pastor.
the congregation to better discern the mission and values of ALC.
the congregation to better discern how to minister (and do outreach) in the community.
discern what types of trainings/classes we can offer to equip you all for ministry
A copy of the inventory is included with this newsletter, and printed copies are at the church. My hope, request, and prayer are that you take 10 minutes and complete the survey. It is an easy way for you to help ALC discern current and future ministry.
Meanwhile, blessings on your lay led worship this weekend. I will be praying for you all.
Peace in Christ,
Pastor Nancy