Dear Friends,
I live in a historic Oxnard neighborhood which is also one of the many Christmas Tree Lanes that one can find around the country. This weekend is the official start, so we’ll see neighbors out doing last minute decorating on Saturday and Sunday. My husband will be among them as decorating the outside of our house is a multi-day endeavor. The photo is from last year, and this year the house will look almost the same.

For a few years my previous church offered a living nativity on their lawn. When we all realized that there was far more traffic in front of my house than in front of the church on a Saturday night, we moved it to my house. At some point we quit doing the living nativity, while beginning another tradition, Christmas Caroling from the Porch. This is just as it sounds, sitting (or standing) on my big craftsman bungalow porch and singing Christmas songs to those who pass by. It is a lot of fun and it’s a treat for those who are out walking the neighborhood. This event is no longer a church event (as I’ve retired from that congregation) but we are doing it next Saturday December 16th (7:30-9:00pm) with whoever wants to join us. If you want to make the drive out to Oxnard, let me know and I’ll give you my address.
Each year, as I sit on my porch and watch (or try to drive), I see hundreds of people of all ages walking the neighborhood. Then I wonder what it would be like to foster ongoing community engagement. This seems to be a question for not just our church, but all churches. A good wondering for us all as we finish 2024 is to wonder how we might make ourselves, our church, a resource and a welcoming place to the neighborhood.
As always, I’d love to hear your thoughts. Please feel free to email or schedule an appointment to talk.
Peace in Christ,
Pastor Nancy
Ps: my husband and I are running a community half marathon on Sunday. It’s called Santa to the Sea and goes from the big Santa sculpture that you can see off the 101 and ends at Channel Islands Harbor.